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Municipal Offices

Grosse Pointe City Offices

Grosse Pointe City
City Office and Administration
17147 Maumee
Grosse Pointe, MI 48230

City Hall (313) 885-5800
Public Safety (313 )886-3200
Parks & Recreation (313 )343-5257
Municipal Court (313) 343-5262

Grosse Pointe City

Grosse Pointe Farms
City Office and Administration
90 Kerby Road
Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236

City Hall (313) 885-6600
Public Safety (313) 885-2100
Public Services (313) 885-4285
Parks & Recreation (313) 343-2405
Municipal Court (313) 885-2104

Grosse Pointe Farms

Grosse Pointe Shores
City Office and Administration
795 Lake Shore Drive
Grosse Pointe Shores, MI 48236

Municipal Offices (313) 881-6565
Public Safety (313) 881-5500
Parks & Recreation (313) 884-7018
Municipal Court (313) 881-5503

Grosse Pointe Shores

Grosse Pointe Park
City Office and Administration
5115 E. Jefferson Avenue
Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230

Municipal Office (313) 822-6200
Police & Fire (313) 822-7400
Parks & Recreation:
Patterson Park (313) 822-1681
Windmill Pointe Park (313) 822-2812
Public Service (313) 822-5020
Municipal Court (313) 822-3535

Grosse Pointe Park

Grosse Pointe Woods
City Office and Administration
20025 Mack Plaza Drive
Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236

Municipal Offices (313) 343-2450
Public Safety (313) 343-2400
Parks & Recreation (313) 343-2470
Public Service (313) 343-2460
Municipal Court (313) 343-2455

Grosse Pointe Woods