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Posted by Michal J Fikany on June 1, 2015
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That’s right… Tudorrifik!

For the BEST choices of Tudors in Grosse Pointe

Call Michael Fikany

917 Westchester

917 Westchester, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230

1180 Bedford

1180 Bedford, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230

905 Balfour

905 Balfour, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230


729 Pemberton, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230

1025 Buckingham_spring

1025 Buckingham, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230

514 Lochmoor

514 Lochmoor, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230


1167 Grayton, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230


1242 Devonshire, Grosse Pointe Park, MI, 48230